I have a form that has a button on it that will copy the information
from one revision to another. Things are working fine with the
exception of if the going to revision is not listed in the combobox
then a message is to alert the user the copying to revision does not
exist. The ElseIf line I was hoping would do a check is the
Dim sql As String
If "" & IsNull(Me.txtCopySpecToRevision) Then
MsgBox "You need to provide the revision that you are copying
to.", vbCritical, "Need Revision"
ElseIf Me.txtCopySpecToRevision.Value <> Forms![Parts]!
cboViewRevision Then
MsgBox "That revision is not on the list.", vbOKOnly, "Wrong
sql = "RISpecAndToleranceUpdateFromPreviousRevision '" &
txtCopySpecPartNumber & "', '" & txtCopySpecToRevision & "', " &
gUserID & " "
Call RunSQLServerStoredProcedure(sql)
DoCmd.Close acForm, "xCopySpecsToDifferentRev"
End If
This still throws the message the revision does not exist even if it
does. Am I missing something?
from one revision to another. Things are working fine with the
exception of if the going to revision is not listed in the combobox
then a message is to alert the user the copying to revision does not
exist. The ElseIf line I was hoping would do a check is the
Dim sql As String
If "" & IsNull(Me.txtCopySpecToRevision) Then
MsgBox "You need to provide the revision that you are copying
to.", vbCritical, "Need Revision"
ElseIf Me.txtCopySpecToRevision.Value <> Forms![Parts]!
cboViewRevision Then
MsgBox "That revision is not on the list.", vbOKOnly, "Wrong
sql = "RISpecAndToleranceUpdateFromPreviousRevision '" &
txtCopySpecPartNumber & "', '" & txtCopySpecToRevision & "', " &
gUserID & " "
Call RunSQLServerStoredProcedure(sql)
DoCmd.Close acForm, "xCopySpecsToDifferentRev"
End If
This still throws the message the revision does not exist even if it
does. Am I missing something?