I think the Internet must be running slow today. Your first message in this
thread (which you sent 8 minutes before my first message in this thread)
didn't become visible to me in my newsreader until some 13 minutes after I
posted my first message in this thread. I'm guessing from the wording you
used in your last message that you didn't see my third posting in this
thread which I show as arriving in the thread about 20 minutes before your
last message. I have seen the Internet run slow like this before and today
(or at least currently) it seems to be doing so again.
Anyway, as I said in my other post... I hadn't had my morning cup of coffee
yet (that has now been rectified<g>)... as a matter of fact, I had only just
awakened for the day some 5 or 10 minutes before joining this thread. As for
this formula...
=if(a1="","it's empty",if(countif(a1,"*pdq*")>0,"Yep","nope")))
well, we have no idea if it is a good way to go or not as the OP only told
us what he wanted for one of the three possible conditions (leaving us to
guess at the rest). At least he now has several offerings to choose from...
one of them has to meet his needs.