A .*plg file is an additional file for photofilter, it contains translations
of texts from menus and dialogs. The origional program is french. When you
put one of the *.plg files into the same directory as Photofiltre.exe, the
menu's and dialogs will be translated.
One of the first things Photofiltre does when it start us, is checking for a
*.plg file in the sam directory as the photofiltre.exe file. If there is not
found one, photofiltre wil revert to it origional (french) language. If
there is one *.plg file found, Photh filtre wil use it. If he find multiple
*.plg files (because you installed multiple *.plg files) the program will
use the *.plg file that comes first in alphabetical order.
Oops, my bad... The translation files have Captial Letters in them, and the
hyperlink is case sensitive...
www.photofiltre.com/utils/translationPT.zip Portuguese
www.photofiltre.com/utils/translationDE.zip Deutch
www.photofiltre.com/utils/translationNL.zip Dutch
www.photofiltre.com/utils/translationCZ.zip Czech
www.photofiltre.com/utils/translationEN.zip English
The plugins page is