Text to Columns...



Does anyone know the official function of the menu option
called "Text to Columns..." which is found under
the "data" option on the menu bar? How does it work?
What is it supposed to do? Answers to these questions
would be appreciated.

Thank you...

(e-mail address removed)

J.E. McGimpsey

It allows you to separate text in a cell or column of cells either
by position (fixed) or based on a delimiter, and place the separated
data in one or more columns. It can also do some rudimentary data
manipulation, including parsing dates, converting numbers to text,
text, etc.

The Text to Columns wizard does a pretty good job of explaining the
mechanics of using this function.

Ken Wright

It will break up chunks of text into a number of cells, for example, assuming
you have a column of names First name / Last Name, you can select the column do
data / text To Columns / Delimited / Space as delimiter and it will split every
record into 2 cells in 2 columns. You can then sort on either surname or first


It is used to format data(Delimited or Fixed) into
columns. Delimited or Fixed data that is exported from
another source that has multiple information in 1(one),
(many columns/rows..) cell sometimes separated by comma,
tab, quotations, spaces.

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