Text search bug?


Emil Horowitz


looking for a certain text while searching files does not seem to work like
it did in Win98. I was told it is a bug which should be fixed with SP1. But
I have SP1 and still no text within files will be found. Isn't there a patch
to fix this?

Thanks, Emil

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

Emil said:
looking for a certain text while searching files does not seem to work like
it did in Win98. I was told it is a bug which should be fixed with SP1. But
I have SP1 and still no text within files will be found. Isn't there a patch
to fix this?


WinXP's search function filters out files to search in based on file
extensions (see further below).

Install the free Agent Ransack, it searches for text strings in *all*
types of files, and not just in a selection of "approved" file extensions
as the built-in search does. It's a *much* better search tool as well...

Download it from here:

Agent Ransack can save the search result to a file (or clipboard), as text,
comma separated text or tab separated text. E.g. Excel reads comma separated
text (csv) very well.

When searching for text inside files, Agent Ransack is also able to do a
preview of the lines the text was found in (just do a single click on the
found file).
Also, you can use regular expression on both the file name part and the find
text in files part.

If you still want to use the not so good search tool that comes with WinXP to
search for text in files, take a look at this:

Using the "A Word or Phrase in the File" Search Criterion May Not Work

Or this:

Add Files to Containing text Searches

Alex Nichol

Emil said:
looking for a certain text while searching files does not seem to work like
it did in Win98. I was told it is a bug which should be fixed with SP1. But
I have SP1 and still no text within files will be found. Isn't there a patch
to fix this?

It only searches for text in a very limited number of types - they must
either have registry entries saying they are pure Text (.TXT and not
much else) or have known ;filters' to handle embedded format controls,
so that Search can avoid being confused by thinking those are characters
in 16 bit Unicode (eg .doc, .htm). You can add an additional type as
pure text provided you know that it *is* that, and that it does not
already have a 'PersistentHandler' in the registry. Make the following,
after - - start and before - - end into a file by cut/paste to NotePad.
Make sure there is a blank line at the end. Save as "Patch.reg" then
d-click on this file to enter it into the registry.
This is for .log - modify that for other extensions, with care.

- - start


- - end

If you are having trouble with TXT files, then I suggest editing .log
above to .txt and merging it anyway - the entry may have got damaged

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