Does any one know how to make this affect a selected range? What I'm trying to do is take '20031216' and turn it into '12162003'. It only has to work with 8 digit numbers (dates). I'll admit I don't know what I'm doing, but the following code clears the selected cells. Or, is there a better way to take text dates(20031216) and turn them into something Excel can use as a date
On Error Resume Nex
Dim cel As Rang
Dim myVar As Rang
Set myVar = Selectio
For Each cel In myVa
If Left((Trim(cel)), 4) = "2003" The
cel.Value = Text(Right(cel, 4), "####") & (Text(Left(cel, 4), "####")
End I
With myVa
.NumberFormat = "########);[Red](########)
End Wit
End Su
Any help would be appreciated.
On Error Resume Nex
Dim cel As Rang
Dim myVar As Rang
Set myVar = Selectio
For Each cel In myVa
If Left((Trim(cel)), 4) = "2003" The
cel.Value = Text(Right(cel, 4), "####") & (Text(Left(cel, 4), "####")
End I
With myVa
.NumberFormat = "########);[Red](########)
End Wit
End Su
Any help would be appreciated.