I wrote a macro that takes information from a database, couts and sort
it, and makes a pareto graph out of it. The program was working fin
until I made the database read only. When the database is updated, th
macro opens it using the writers password, updates the database, an
then does a save as. I click yes to replace the old file with the sam
Now when I try to run my macro, the formulas don't work for instance
have =COUNTIF(A$2:A$374,"RM01") in one cell and it wont recognize th
text RM01 anymore. But get this, ith I highlight the text "RM01" in th
formula, it works again. Can anyone help me and tell me what have
done? I need help in a major way.
By the way, I'm new at VBA programmin
it, and makes a pareto graph out of it. The program was working fin
until I made the database read only. When the database is updated, th
macro opens it using the writers password, updates the database, an
then does a save as. I click yes to replace the old file with the sam
Now when I try to run my macro, the formulas don't work for instance
have =COUNTIF(A$2:A$374,"RM01") in one cell and it wont recognize th
text RM01 anymore. But get this, ith I highlight the text "RM01" in th
formula, it works again. Can anyone help me and tell me what have
done? I need help in a major way.
By the way, I'm new at VBA programmin