Text problems still:

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roger
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Hi everyone,
Last week I posted a question I believe called mort text.
And I did receive some help. However I am still having
some difficulty and I am not sure if it's because I am
being misinterpreted, or I am still doing something wrong,
or it just can't be done.

I was eventually told to use a button called help. well
not only have I been using help anyway I also have Papa
John's new book which I love dearly, however neither
source clearly addresses this particular issue. So let me
try again. I am puting together a small educational film
and I want a short document before the film. Now I don't
care if it scrolls up just like you see at the end of a
lot of movies, or if it fades in and out one screen full
at a time, just as long as things stay even. Everything
I've tried seems to leave big gaps in certain places and
it chops up words and sentences. Believe me as far as I
know I have tried everything I can think of including
changing font size.

When you watch a documentary sometimes on TV, they have a
description of the film before it even starts. Something
like this effect is exactly what I am looking for. I
don't want it to look like credits. I have moviemaker-2.
If I could use MS-Word and have it look right with all the
colors etc. I would be done with it a long time ago. So is
any of this possible or not. Thanks in advance for any
additional help,
If you have Power Point you can make a screen with your text and save it as
a .jpg or .gif file. Then import it into Movie Maker.


What an excellent idea I have several screen shot programs
this will make my life a whole lot easier. However I hope
the next version of moviemaker will provide another option
so that you can do something like this without too much
difficulty. Again thank you so much for your help,
Roger Owens