I'd like to print letters on my printer using a general text with holes
in it that would contain values from cells in my Excel spreadsheet. (A
sort of mailing).
It would be great if my text could depend on my cells
Example :
Aux Parents de François
Aux Parents d'Isabelle
François and Isabelle would be values from cells
I could program a macro to do the difference between ( d' ) and ( de )
Excuse my poor language, but I speak French
Thank you
I'd like to print letters on my printer using a general text with holes
in it that would contain values from cells in my Excel spreadsheet. (A
sort of mailing).
It would be great if my text could depend on my cells
Example :
Aux Parents de François
Aux Parents d'Isabelle
François and Isabelle would be values from cells
I could program a macro to do the difference between ( d' ) and ( de )
Excuse my poor language, but I speak French
Thank you