Can someone explain the types of text that appears in the outline
pane. I have 23 slides, all I want is the title of the slide to appear
in the outline. (We convert our PP presentations into Flash Files and
use the titles as a TOC.) Some slides only have the titles, some
slides have the entire text of the slide. There doesn't seem to be any
rhyme or reason to the selection of text that is included on the
outline tab. Can anyone shed some light on this for me and tell me how
to remove the slide text from the outline tab--if possible.
Can someone explain the types of text that appears in the outline
pane. I have 23 slides, all I want is the title of the slide to appear
in the outline. (We convert our PP presentations into Flash Files and
use the titles as a TOC.) Some slides only have the titles, some
slides have the entire text of the slide. There doesn't seem to be any
rhyme or reason to the selection of text that is included on the
outline tab. Can anyone shed some light on this for me and tell me how
to remove the slide text from the outline tab--if possible.