Do not format your paragraphs using the justify button
- which generates <p align="justify">
And remove your line formatting style
Remove all spaces from all file names (will lead to broken links in many cases)
| Kevin,
| Unpredictable results sounds like what I'm suffering from with my text
| formatting. I can't get my lovely between-line spacing, perfect in Normal
| view, to hold in Preview or once published. Is it because I'm making find
| adjustments to between-line spacing?
| I've posted this question above, in "Why do my webpage dimensions
| change...", too.
| Thanks,
| Michelle
| "Kevin Spencer" wrote:
| > Justified text is not supported in all browsers. Also, if you "justify" the
| > text by adding spaces, the results will definitely be unpredictable.
| >
| > --
| > HTH,
| >
| > Kevin Spencer
| > Microsoft MVP
| > ..Net Developer
| > Ambiguity has a certain quality to it.
| >
| > | > >i justyfied my text and it looks good in design view but when i preview it,
| > > the text is not justyfied.
| >
| >
| >