Text Formating - Strikethrough

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


In MS Word you can select some text then on the tool bar
select FORMAT, and under EFFECTS you can select STRKETHOUGH.

Anyone know of a way to do this in PowerPoint ?

Anyone know of where I might find a STRIKETHROUGH font that
I could download and install ?

An alternative approach... type the text in Word with strikethrough as desired, then copy the Word text to the Windows clipboard, and paste link or embed the clipboard contents as a Word object in your Powerpoint slide. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the TIP. That's not exactly what I was looking
for but helps some.

What I was actually looking for is more on the order of the
'Editing' functions in MS Word. Where you can 'Track'
edits, changes and deletes.

We use PP for some project management tracking and are
looking for a method of tracking changes that are made.

Thanks again !
-----Original Message-----
An alternative approach... type the text in Word with
strikethrough as desired, then copy the Word text to the
Windows clipboard, and paste link or embed the clipboard
contents as a Word object in your Powerpoint slide. Hope
this helps.
Which version are you using? There is some revision tracking included in
PowerPoint 2002 and 2003. Be warned: It will greatly increase your file size
if you turn the feature on.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
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