Text format for a table field

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gina
  • Start date Start date
Hi Gina
thank you for your quick answer. Unfortunately, I did not understand
what you suggest me since I started using MSAccess few weeks ago

1. On_Exit: you mean the event associated to the form-field, I suppose
2. PROPER(YourFieldNameHere): what's this? I did not find it in the hel
Is it a piece of VBA code? a macro? whatelse
May be an example can help to clarify

Thank you again

----- Gina wrote: ----

You can use this On_Exit of the field.


Hope that helps..
Oops, sorry about that...

1. On_Exit of the field you want to change or make sure it's entered
2. I found it in my help section (just looked), so perhaps it's because I
have developer addition??? Who knows, anyway use the examples below

Me!State = StrConv(State, vbUpperCase) 'Converts all letters to upper care

Me!State = StrConv(State, vbLowerCaseCase) 'Converts all letters to lower

Me!State = StrConv(State, vbProperCase) 'Converts first letter to upper case
balance lower

Please note "State" is the name of my field replace with the name of your

Hope that was better...