The easiest, but maybe not the most elegent, is to get into the "DOS" mode.
From the Start menu, click Run, then type in "cmd.exe" (without the quotes).
A DOS-like window will come up. Type the following:
dir d1:\foldername1 > d2:\foldername2\filename.txt (and hit Enter)
where d1:\foldername1 is the drive and folder you want the listing for, and
d2:\foldername2 is where you want the text file to be placed. Filename.txt
is the name of the directory listing file. Note that a single "greater than"
character writes a new file (and will overwrite an existing file by the same
name) whereas two "greater than" characters (>>) will append any existing
file of that name, or create a new file if one doesn't already exist.
Before you do the above, you might want to type "dir /?" to see which
command line switches are available so you can tailor the isting to your
Hope this helps.