Text case search: is upper or is lower


David E. Jones

Is there any function in Access (using AC 2003) to test for the case of
a text field? For example, I want to find records that have only upper
case in a field.

Or, can I create an expression that converts the wanted field to
uppercase (UCase) and then matches to the original field in a case
sensitive way?

When I used the Alpha 4 database program there were functions for
"isupper" and "islower" but I don't see any equivalent in Access.


David Jones

David Lloyd


One alternative would be your second choice. You can use the StrComp
function to compare two strings. Using the vbBinaryCompare parameter allows
for a case sensitive comparison.

David Lloyd

This response is supplied "as is" without any representations or warranties.

Is there any function in Access (using AC 2003) to test for the case of
a text field? For example, I want to find records that have only upper
case in a field.

Or, can I create an expression that converts the wanted field to
uppercase (UCase) and then matches to the original field in a case
sensitive way?

When I used the Alpha 4 database program there were functions for
"isupper" and "islower" but I don't see any equivalent in Access.


David Jones

John Vinson

Is there any function in Access (using AC 2003) to test for the case of
a text field? For example, I want to find records that have only upper
case in a field.

It's not trivial. The StrComp() function (see the online Help by
opening the VBA editor and searching for StrComp) will compare two
text strings and returning 0 if they are identical, and a nonzero
value if they differ: so you can use

WHERE StrComp([fieldname], UCase([fieldname]), 0) = 0

to find all records where fieldname is in all caps.
Or, can I create an expression that converts the wanted field to
uppercase (UCase) and then matches to the original field in a case
sensitive way?
When I used the Alpha 4 database program there were functions for
"isupper" and "islower" but I don't see any equivalent in Access.

Well... Access is Access, Alpha 4 is Alpha 4. They are different
programs with different syntax.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

David E. Jones

John said:
Is there any function in Access (using AC 2003) to test for the case of
a text field? For example, I want to find records that have only upper
case in a field.

It's not trivial. The StrComp() function (see the online Help by
opening the VBA editor and searching for StrComp) will compare two
text strings and returning 0 if they are identical, and a nonzero
value if they differ: so you can use

WHERE StrComp([fieldname], UCase([fieldname]), 0) = 0

to find all records where fieldname is in all caps.

Or, can I create an expression that converts the wanted field to
uppercase (UCase) and then matches to the original field in a case
sensitive way?

When I used the Alpha 4 database program there were functions for
"isupper" and "islower" but I don't see any equivalent in Access.

Well... Access is Access, Alpha 4 is Alpha 4. They are different
programs with different syntax.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

David and John,

The StrComp function did the trick. Thank you both very much for the advice.

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