Text Boxes



I was following a question, which was posted to this group
about two weeks ago on summing up the values of text boxes
into another text box. I tried the following:

TextboxTotal = T1+T2+T3 'T being the textboxes

instead of adding the numerical values it just places them
side by side. So the contents of Textboxtotal becomes
100200300 instead of 600. However when i did the following
it works:

TextboxTotal = (T1*1)+(T2*1)+(T3*1)

it seems the contents of each box is not being treated as

I am using Excel 2000

Is this a bug or I am missing something? Thanks. It is
just bugging me.


The contents of a textbox is just that, text. So when you write Total.ext =
TextBox1.text + TextBox2.text + TextBox3.text, Excel believes you are asking
for concatenation, just like "Apple" + "Pie" = "Apple Pie".
What you should be doing to get an arithmetic sum is writing Total.Value=

-- Dennis Eisen


Hi Dennis,

T1.value+t2.value concatenate the result. I have tried
with text and value. Same result. Anyway, thanks for your
interest and suggestion. Cheers.

Jake Marx

Hi Jamal,

You can use conversion functions to convert the text strings into numeric
values. Here's an example that will work (assuming your "total" TextBox is
named "TextBox4"):

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim dblTotal As Double
Dim ctl As Control

For Each ctl In Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.TextBox Then
If ctl.Name <> "TextBox4" Then
If IsNumeric(ctl.Object.Text) Then
dblTotal = dblTotal + _
End If
End If
End If
Next ctl

TextBox4.Text = Format$(dblTotal, "#,##0.00")
End Sub

This will add up all values in TextBoxes on the Userform. It ignores
non-numeric values.


Jake Marx
MS MVP - Excel

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