Text Boxes

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I actually have two questions.

1. After setting up the first text box, I checked it in form view and the
text box had the following information in it #Name. How do I get rid of this
in the text box?

2. And, it won't allow me to put information in the text box when I have it
in form view. What can I do to correct this problem?
I actually have two questions.

1. After setting up the first text box, I checked it in form view and the
text box had the following information in it #Name. How do I get rid of this
in the text box?
By fixing what ever is causing the error.
Make sure the name of any field used in it's control source is spelled
correctly and that it exists.
If the control source is an expression, make sure the name of the
control is not the same as the name of any field the expression.
2. And, it won't allow me to put information in the text box when I have it
in form view. What can I do to correct this problem?
Who knows.
You haven't told us what it's control source is, nor what you want in
it, nor if it's Locked or Enabled, nor the applicable form property
settings, i.e. AllowEdits, etc.
Please forgive my ignorance. For the past few months I have been taking
Visual Studio.Net and VB 6.0, so I have forgotten some of the terminology
used in Access. If you could refresh my memory and briefly explain the
difference between the two I would appreciate it.
Well, really a field is a text-box. What I should have asked is if you used
an unbound field or not. Open the properties box for the control and see
what is in the CONTROL SOURCE on the DATA tab.

Again, what is the purpose of the field (control)? Is it tied to a field in
your table?
Yes, it is tied to a field in a table. I am creating this form for the people
in the office I work in. The text boxes are for data entry. The Control
Source in the properties window is linked to the table and field. Hope this
answeres your question.
I'm lost. If the field name is in that control source, then you should have
no trouble. How did you build this form?

Here is what you SHOULD do.

Create a query that will pull records from the table(s) desired. IF you
want to exclude inactive records from showing or anything like that, do so
in your query. Save the query and name it.

Create a new form and select the query you just created in the drop-down box
that says "Choos the table or querywhere the object's data comes from:"
Either use the Form wizard, or select DESIGN VIEW.

If you select design view, the form should pop up blank and you should have
a "Field List" that include all the fields you can use in your form. Grab
the fields from that list and drag them over to the form where you'd like

Save the form.
I tried querying the list, but I was unable to list all of the informtion.
Ran out of columns. Here is another dumb question, how do I create additional
query columns? The list I need has 113 fields.

Bad design.

You should have no more than 20 or 30 fields in a table.

What is this database and what is in it?

At the very very very most, a table should have 40 or 50 fields.
I work at the Air Force Base in the History Office. I am in charge of
archiving 3 million pages of documents from physical files into electronic
format. Before I can do that I have to inventory every document we have
(previous person had no organizational skills). We have about 113 different
types of documents that I need to inventory. I have to be able to identify
the specific type of document and I thought a list box or combo box would be
able to handle a large list like this. What do you recommend?
That is correct, but that is only ONE field.

DocumentType (from a foreign table)


Your form would only pull the fields from table one above. The DocumentType
field would be a combo-box (drop-down) that would pull all the available
types from the second field where the InactiveCheckBox is false.
I understand, but I decided it would be better to do a text box where the
employees have to enter the name of the document in the form instead of
looking through a list of document types and trying to match it against the
actual document. Thanks for your help. You have been very prompt in your
responses. Have a great day.
James E.