Text Box

  • Thread starter Thread starter Larry
  • Start date Start date


I have a text box which displays the month/year (i.e. Jul/05). What I
would like to do is to keep that month/year constant until I enter a new
month/year. I know that I saw an example of this once before in this
group. I'm hoping that someone will help me. TIA


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Hi, Larry.

Set the field's default value in the textbox' AfterUpdate event:

Me!MyTextbox.DefaultValue = "'" & Me!MyTextbox & "'"

This will work for the current session but will not carry over to the next
time you open the form. If you'd like to do this as well, you can pick up
the value from the last record entered, reset the DefaultValue, and
optionally move to a new record:

DoCmd.GoToRecord acActiveDataObject, "YourForm", acLast
Me!YourTextbox.DefaultValue = "'" & Me!YourTextbox & "'"
DoCmd.GoToRecord acActiveDataObject, "YourForm", acNewRec

Hope that helps.
In the TextBox's AfterUpdate event put code like:-

Me!txtBox.DefaultValue = """" & Me!txtBox & """"

where txtBox is your TextBox's name.

