I've created a (basic) page which includes text animation, but I can't work
out how to make the animation slow down. At the moment I've got four lines
wihch whizz in very quickly and I don't know how to make this happen more
slowly. The page in question is www.universitas21.com/newyear.html.
I've tried altering various things in the code, but I've only got pretty
basic html knowledge, so don't really know what I'm doing...
Any suggestions gratefully received.
out how to make the animation slow down. At the moment I've got four lines
wihch whizz in very quickly and I don't know how to make this happen more
slowly. The page in question is www.universitas21.com/newyear.html.
I've tried altering various things in the code, but I've only got pretty
basic html knowledge, so don't really know what I'm doing...
Any suggestions gratefully received.