Text alignment

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alan T
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Alan T

I have text, say, 123 456 will alignment to the right.
However, if I have 123 456/1, it will align to the left.

How do I align both to right?
Hi Alan

What you have typed has a space between the 3 and 4. I assume that is a
typo, as the space would make it a text value and it would align left.

In answer to your question, mark the range of cell concerned and click
the format Right icon on the toolbar
Thu, 31 May 2007 17:51:27 +1000 from Alan T
I have text, say, 123 456 will alignment to the right.
However, if I have 123 456/1, it will align to the left.

How do I align both to right?

Format ... Cells ... Alignment ... Horizontal

There's also a little icon for right justification in the Formatting
toolbar, if I recall corectly.
If you want to treat all the values as text (left aligned), either preformat
your cell(s) as Text, then do the data entry.

Or start with a leading apostrophe: '123 456/1

When I typed 123 456/1 in a cell with a general format, excel saw it like I was
typing in a mixed number (a whole number + a fraction (in this case an improper
fraction 456/1).

Excel changed my entry to 579.

If I wanted to enter 3.5, I could type:
3 1/2
(including the space)
and excel would know/guess that I meant a number.