Text Alignment In DataGrid?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Arpan
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Assume that a database table has the following 4 columns - ID, UserID,
Subject & Marks. I am retrieving the records existing in this DB table
& displaying them in a DataGrid like this:

<script runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(obj As Object, ea As EventArgs)
Dim dSet As DataSet
Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection
Dim sqlDapter As SqlDataAdapter

sqlConn = New SqlConnection("........")
sqlDapter = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tblMarks",
dSet = New DataSet

sqlDapter.Fill(dSet, "Marks")

dgMarks.DataSource = dSet
End Sub
<form eunat="server">
<asp:DataGrid ID="dgMarks" HeaderStyle-Font-Bold="true"
HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="center" runat="server"/>

The above will retrieve & display all the records existing in the 4
columns in the DataGrid. By default all the records in the different
cells in the DataGrid will be left-aligned. Now I want only the records
existing under the ID column to be right-aligned & the records existing
under the Marks column to be center-aligned. The records under UserID &
Subject columns should remain left-aligned.

How do I accomplish this?


off the top of my head in your load event after binding its something like:


or declared it would probably be something like this
<ItemStyle Width="150px" VerticalAlign="middle" HorizontalAlign="right" />

You might have to pick it apart a bit, its not tested.
Any formatting can be done through the style sections -
ItemStyle/HeaderStyle/FooterStyle, etc - with the actual records, you'd use
John, using

dgMarks.Columns(0).ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right

after binding the data to the DataGrid generates the following error:

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of
the collection.
Parameter name: index

pointing to the above line. Even the code


evaluates to 0! If the ItemStyle line is removed, then I can see the
DataGrid displaying the 4 columns - ID, UserID, Subject & Marks. So how
come the Columns count property evaluates to 0?



John, the problem in the code that I have shown in post #1 doesn't use
the <Columns> collection to populate the DataGrid i.e. the 4 columns
displayed in the DataGrid are generated automatically which why the
Columns count property evaluates to 0 but the examples shown in the 2
URLs you have referred use the <Columns> collection (like BoundColumn,
ButtonColumn, TemplateColumn) explicitly to render the DataGrid. They
don't show how to format records under auto-generated columns.

I suspect you will actually have to use the columns collection given your
trying to set an individual column as opposed to the whole grid.