Testing SmtpMail before sending the mail?

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I would like to test and be reasonably certain that email will be sent out
before it is actually sent out. The scenario that I am thinking about is
resetting a password. Before I reset the password I would like to know that I
can email the new password out. If I reset the password then the SmtpMail
fails there will be no notification of the new password. So I would like to
somehow test that I will be able to email then reset the password and send
the new password out. The problem that I am running into is that for some
servers (I have not figured out the difference yet) when I try to send email
out I get an HttpException indicating that I don't have the requisite
permission to use CDO to email. I would like to know this BEFORE I reset the
password. Any ideas?

the issue is a config issue. you can test the ability to send mail on a
server-by-server basis, and if one server cannot send mail, then the sys
admin changes a setting in the config file to indicate it.

However, it might make more sense to actually fix the config issue.

Are you actually using CDO? (not that that is bad... it's just rare.)
Most folks are using System.Web.Mail which uses the SMTP protocol... even if
the internal web services are provided by Exchange.
If I remember, (and it has been a while), your web server account has to
have write access for temp files somewhere when you use CDO. I wish I
remembered more.

I don't know if this message was helpful or not.

--- Nick