Testing on mouse buttons without events.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Olaf Baeyens
  • Start date Start date

Olaf Baeyens

Is there a way in the .NET framework to determin if a key is pressed and if
a mouse button is pressed withou need of events?
I need this in an OpenGL project, while the scene is rendered I want to see
if the left mouse button is pressed and/or if a key is pressed before
rendering my scene.

I could of course use the events version but I don't like to make my code
complicated by passing on the states als booleans.

Hi Olaf,

Use the static Control.ModifierKeys and Control.MouseButtons to check the status outside an event.
Use the static Control.ModifierKeys and Control.MouseButtons to check the
status outside an event.Fantastisc! :-)
I believe it is used something like this?

if ((System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseButtons &
System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)!=0) {

Fantastisc! :-)
I believe it is used something like this?

if ((System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseButtons &
System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)!=0) {