Jim Thyne said:
My understandinfg is that you wil lhave to do a "clean" install of Vista RC1
if you have either Beta 2 or Pre-RC1. Pre-RC1 did allow for a direct
upgrade from Beta 2.
Well, I don't know why an upgrade install would be disallowed.
An "upgrade install" *is* a "clean install. Although, I had problems
with upgrading from 5384 to 5536. I did a clean install. I then
used the upgrade install from 5536 to 5552, it worked beautifully.
Perhaps, it is the upgrading from Beta 2 that is problematic. It
more than likely would be a good thing to just go ahead and do
a clean install of RC1 if you are uising Beta 2 (5384).
When I tried the upgrade install on 5384, it spent 82 minutes to
get to the screen "Please wait while Windows starts for the first time"
and then would keep restarting and never got past that.
The upgrade install of 5536 to 5552 was flawless. It took 45 minutes.
I only had one problem, that has been so since I have been beta testing
Vista. I still have to use my WinXP SigmaTel sound drivers and then use
Windows Update to install the new drivers. Doesn't make sense, but no
other way works.