How exactly does the formula you were given not answer the question?
You said no hardcoding therefore you cannot put your 100 into your
formula, therefore you may as well make it whatever the result has to be,
ie 100 or 120 etc. Formula then simply factors what is in A1 by what is
in A2, and if there is nothing in A2 then A1 stays as is. Put a positive
% in A2 and it increases by that, or make it negative and it decreases by
Before taking a shot at the poster, please be aware that just because you
cannot see the answer it does not necessarily mean that others can't. If
when you have worked through it properly, you believe it still does not
meet some criteria then please be very specific about WHAT criteria it
does not meet, and then give an example of what the formula produces
compared with what you would expect.
These forums are for like minded people to help each other out, so please
try and be courteous when it is obvious that someone else has taken time
out of their day to try and provide you with an answer, especially when to
my mind it would appear to answer it correctly.
Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03
It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission
