Test for Updates is a utility that checks up your favorite website for
new stuff and notifies you when the sites in question get updated. The
program's features have been kept to the bare basics: there's a table
with the list of URLs to check and their respective titles and a few
options for you to configure. The program lives in the system tray and
notifies you as soon as any of the websites that are on the list get
changed. When you maximize the program window, the tool will load the
updated page.
new stuff and notifies you when the sites in question get updated. The
program's features have been kept to the bare basics: there's a table
with the list of URLs to check and their respective titles and a few
options for you to configure. The program lives in the system tray and
notifies you as soon as any of the websites that are on the list get
changed. When you maximize the program window, the tool will load the
updated page.