I'm using the NewInspector event in the ThisOutlookSession module to
customise how users are greeted when they create a new message. I'm using:
If TypeOf Inspector.CurrentItem Is Outlook.MailItem
to make sure this code only runs for a message (and not a contact or
anything else that's being created!).
That's fine - however, I also need a test to stop the code running if the
user opens up an old message. Does anyone know a neat way of doing this?
The only thoughts I've had are the messages Saved property (which doesn't
work because it shows as True even for a new message) and testing that the
Inspector's Caption starts with "Untitled" (which of course includes old
messages without a subject).
customise how users are greeted when they create a new message. I'm using:
If TypeOf Inspector.CurrentItem Is Outlook.MailItem
to make sure this code only runs for a message (and not a contact or
anything else that's being created!).
That's fine - however, I also need a test to stop the code running if the
user opens up an old message. Does anyone know a neat way of doing this?
The only thoughts I've had are the messages Saved property (which doesn't
work because it shows as True even for a new message) and testing that the
Inspector's Caption starts with "Untitled" (which of course includes old
messages without a subject).