Test for empty field in a DAO Recordset

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rick
  • Start date Start date


Can anyone help me to determine when an integer field contains nothing?
It seems to be different than a null variable and I can't remember how to do
this simple thing.
I'm using a DAO 3.6 Recordset

If the Integer field [IDNumber] is blank or empty I want the Boolean field
[Active] to equal False.

Some sample lines from my procedure are:
Set rstSampleTable = dbs.OpenRecordset("My Sample Table")


If rstSampleTable.Fields("IDNumber") = Null Then
rstSampleTable.Fields("Active") = False


If I change the "= Null" to a specific value of an [IDNumber] (such as "=
1234") it works so my problem is definitely testing for an empty field.
But "Is Null"; "= Null"; or "= 0" does NOT work.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.

VBA syntax?

If IsNull (rstSampleTable.Fields("IDNumber") Then...

instead of:

If rstSampleTable.Fields("IDNumber") = Null Then...
I only use ADO, but I don't think that matters,
I use IsNull Function:
If IsNull(rsADO("FIELD")) Then

Steve Mussler
Rick said:
Can anyone help me to determine when an integer field contains nothing?
It seems to be different than a null variable and I can't remember how to do
this simple thing.
I'm using a DAO 3.6 Recordset

If the Integer field [IDNumber] is blank or empty I want the Boolean field
[Active] to equal False.

Some sample lines from my procedure are:
Set rstSampleTable = dbs.OpenRecordset("My Sample Table")


If rstSampleTable.Fields("IDNumber") = Null Then
rstSampleTable.Fields("Active") = False


If I change the "= Null" to a specific value of an [IDNumber] (such as "=
1234") it works so my problem is definitely testing for an empty field.
But "Is Null"; "= Null"; or "= 0" does NOT work.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.


[Not sure why "Is Null" doesn't work? Did you mean "IsNull"?]

It helps in this case and others to remember that the Field.Value in a
Recordset is a Variant. So there are multiple ways to address a possible
Null value.

One is to treat it as a String...
If CBool(rs.Fields("IDNumber").Value & "") Then ...
Another ...
If VarType(rs.Fields("IDNumber")) = vbNull Then ...
You can also play with "rs!IDNumber + 0", but I skip that. <g>

Here is a piece of fluff that you might find handy...

Function IfNull(vValue As Variant, Optional vDefault As Variant = "") As
If IsNull(vValue) Then
IfNull = vDefault
IfNull = vValue
End If
End Function

rs.Fields("Active") = IfNull(rs.Fields("IDNumber"), False)

Ralph said:
Rick said:
Can anyone help me to determine when an integer field contains nothing?
It seems to be different than a null variable and I can't remember how to do
this simple thing.
I'm using a DAO 3.6 Recordset

If the Integer field [IDNumber] is blank or empty I want the Boolean field
[Active] to equal False.

Some sample lines from my procedure are:
Set rstSampleTable = dbs.OpenRecordset("My Sample Table")


If rstSampleTable.Fields("IDNumber") = Null Then
rstSampleTable.Fields("Active") = False


If I change the "= Null" to a specific value of an [IDNumber] (such as "=
1234") it works so my problem is definitely testing for an empty field.
But "Is Null"; "= Null"; or "= 0" does NOT work.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.


[Not sure why "Is Null" doesn't work? Did you mean "IsNull"?]

It helps in this case and others to remember that the Field.Value in a
Recordset is a Variant. So there are multiple ways to address a possible
Null value.

One is to treat it as a String...
If CBool(rs.Fields("IDNumber").Value & "") Then ...
Another ...
If VarType(rs.Fields("IDNumber")) = vbNull Then ...
You can also play with "rs!IDNumber + 0", but I skip that. <g>

Here is a piece of fluff that you might find handy...

Function IfNull(vValue As Variant, Optional vDefault As Variant = "") As
If IsNull(vValue) Then
IfNull = vDefault
IfNull = vValue
End If
End Function

rs.Fields("Active") = IfNull(rs.Fields("IDNumber"), False)


Check the datasource and do a count:

Public Function CalculateStockLevel(strmainform, strSubformcontrol)

Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim strSQL2 As String
Dim strSQL3 As String

Dim rs1 As Recordset
Dim rs2 As Recordset
Dim rs3 As Recordset

Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim n1 As String
Dim strTemp As String
strTemp = ""
n1 = Chr(10) & Chr(13)
Dim strSearch As String

Dim ActivityArray() As String
Dim max As Integer
Dim QuantitySumArray() As Double

strSQL1 = "SELECT * from tabActivity"

strSQL2 = "select * from tabPartsMovements where tabPartsID = " &
Forms!frmParts!tabPartsID & ";"

strSQL3 = "select * from tabParts where tabPartsID = " &
Forms!frmParts!tabPartsID & ";"

Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL1)
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL2)
Set rs3 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL3)

If rs1.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ("no records in tabActivity")
GoTo err_handler
'MsgBox (rs1.AbsolutePosition)
End If

max = rs1.RecordCount
ReDim ActivityArray(max, 2)
ReDim QuantitySumArray(max)
strTemp = "tabActivity: " & n1 & n1

For x = 0 To rs1.RecordCount - 1
y = x + 1
ActivityArray(y, 1) = rs1!Text
strTemp = strTemp & "y :" & y & ", " & rs1!tabActivityID & ", " & rs1!Text &
Next x

''''''''''''MsgBox strTemp

strTemp = ""
If rs2.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ("no records in tabActivity")
GoTo err_handler

'MsgBox (rs2.RecordCount)
End If

If rs2.RecordCount = 0 Then
GoTo err_handler
max = rs2.RecordCount
''''''''''''''''''''''''''MsgBox ("rs2 recordcount " & rs2.RecordCount &
", Max: " & max)
'strTemp = "tabPartsMovements: " & n1 & n1
For x = 1 To max
'strTemp = strTemp & "Abs.Pos.: " & rs2.AbsolutePosition &
", " & "Act: " & rs2!Activity & ", " & "Qty: " & rs2!Quantity & n1

QuantitySumArray(rs2!tabActivityID) =
QuantitySumArray(rs2!tabActivityID) + rs2!Quantity
Next x

'''''''''''''''''''''MsgBox (strTemp)

strTemp = "max check" & n1
For x = 1 To max
strTemp = strTemp & Str(x) & n1
Next x
End If

'''''''''''''''''MsgBox strTemp

'create sum on activity id (total on purchase, total on sales etc.)

'Quantity Summary
max = rs1.RecordCount

strTemp = "Quantity Summary" & n1
For x = 1 To max
strTemp = strTemp & "x: " & x & Str(QuantitySumArray(x)) & n1
Next x
'''''''''''''''MsgBox (strTemp)

rs3!Sales = QuantitySumArray(2)
rs3!Purchases = QuantitySumArray(1)
rs3!DepotIssuance = QuantitySumArray(6)
rs3!DepotReceived = QuantitySumArray(5)
rs3!ReconOut = QuantitySumArray(8)
rs3!ReconIn = QuantitySumArray(7)
rs3!DepotReceived = QuantitySumArray(5)
rs3!WshopOut = QuantitySumArray(4)
rs3!WshopIn = QuantitySumArray(3)
rs3!StockReconciliationOut = QuantitySumArray(15)
rs3!StockReconciliationIn = QuantitySumArray(14)
rs3!OnBoardIssuance = QuantitySumArray(10)
rs3!OnBoardReceived = QuantitySumArray(9)
rs3!CreditNotesPendingOut = QuantitySumArray(12)
rs3!OrdersPendingIn = QuantitySumArray(11)
rs3!StockOnHand = rs3!SubtotalII - rs3!SubtotalI
rs3!SubtotalI = rs3!Sales + rs3!DepotIssuance + rs3!ReconOut + rs3!WshopOut
+ rs3!StockReconciliationOut
rs3!SubtotalII = rs3!Purchases + rs3!DepotReceived + rs3!ReconIn +
rs3!WshopIn + rs3!StockReconciliationIn
rs3!StockOnHand = rs3!SubtotalII - rs3!SubtotalI
rs3!SubtotalIII = rs3!SubtotalI + rs3!StockOnHand
rs3!SubtotalIV = rs3!SubtotalII
rs3!SubtotalVI = rs3!SubtotalIV + rs3!StockOnHand + rs3!OnBoardReceived
rs3!SubtotalV = rs3!SubtotalVI
rs3!StockAvailableI = rs3!StockOnHand + rs3!OnBoardReceived -
rs3!SubtotalVIII = rs3!SubtotalVI + rs3!StockAvailableI + rs3!OrdersPendingIn
rs3!SubtotalVII = rs3!SubtotalVIII
rs3!StockAvailableII = rs3!StockAvailableI + rs3!OrdersPendingIn -

'stock taking
' With rstCustomers
' ' Populate recordset.
' .MoveLast
' ' Find first record satisfying search string. Exit
' ' loop if no such record exists.
' .FindFirst strCountry
' If .NoMatch Then
' MsgBox "No records found with " & _
' strCountry & "."
' Exit Do
' strCountry = "Country = '" & strCountry & "'"

'strSearch = "Activity = '" & Str(13) & "'"

strSearch = "tabActivityID = 13"
With rs2
..FindLast strSearch

If .NoMatch Then
MsgBox ("no stock take date")
rs3!LastStockTaking = rs2!Date
End If

End With


End Function

I had actually tried the IsNull() function as you showed but didn't think it
worked. I forgot to refresh my view of the table with just a click,
It works fine. Thanks, I really appreciate your help.


Brian said:
VBA syntax?

If IsNull (rstSampleTable.Fields("IDNumber") Then...

instead of:

If rstSampleTable.Fields("IDNumber") = Null Then...

Rick said:
Can anyone help me to determine when an integer field contains nothing?
It seems to be different than a null variable and I can't remember how to
this simple thing.
I'm using a DAO 3.6 Recordset

If the Integer field [IDNumber] is blank or empty I want the Boolean
[Active] to equal False.

Some sample lines from my procedure are:
Set rstSampleTable = dbs.OpenRecordset("My Sample Table")


If rstSampleTable.Fields("IDNumber") = Null Then
rstSampleTable.Fields("Active") = False


If I change the "= Null" to a specific value of an [IDNumber] (such as "=
1234") it works so my problem is definitely testing for an empty field.
But "Is Null"; "= Null"; or "= 0" does NOT work.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.
