| "Edward" <
[email protected]>
| wrote in message | I am trying to set up terminal service for Windows XP so that I can
| control my computer when I am away from home. Does anyone
| know where to get some basic information on this? I try the help
| screens on XP itself and did not really get very far.
| Thanks in advance. Regards Ed
Terminal Services is a component of the Windows Server line of
products. So perhaps you mean the Remote Desktop feature found
in Windows XP. For more information search the Windows XP
Professional Help and Support Center for the following
Suggested Topics by the title:
Set up this computer to use Remote Desktop
Allow other users to connect to your computer
For additional information about Remote Desktop, see the following
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article and click the article numbers at
the bottom of the page:
KB315328 - How to Use the Remote Desktop Feature of Windows
XP Professional
And you may want to post Remote Desktop questions in the Windows
XP Newsgroup named: Working Remotely
The following page has links you can click to access the newsgroup with
your Web browser, or with a Network News Transfer Protocol
(NNTP)-based newsreader such as Outlook Express.
Windows XP Expert Zone Community Newsgroups