Andrew Brazier
We get this error on a Citrix server, when you boot the
server it takes a long time to login, several minutes and
then you get and Event ID 7031 Terminal Server Service
failure, and an Eent ID 26, Termsrvr.exe Application Error
exception possible deadlock condition. This totally kills
the server, Citrix won't run at all. uninstalling Terminal
Services restores performance but of course makes the
server useless, reinstalling TS brings the problem back
again. Server is Win2000 SP3, Citrix is Meaframe XP FR3.
Any ideas/suggestions?
server it takes a long time to login, several minutes and
then you get and Event ID 7031 Terminal Server Service
failure, and an Eent ID 26, Termsrvr.exe Application Error
exception possible deadlock condition. This totally kills
the server, Citrix won't run at all. uninstalling Terminal
Services restores performance but of course makes the
server useless, reinstalling TS brings the problem back
again. Server is Win2000 SP3, Citrix is Meaframe XP FR3.
Any ideas/suggestions?