Terminal Services Port

  • Thread starter Thread starter ThomasTran
  • Start date Start date


Hello everybody,

Could you tell me if I can change the listener port on the server (Win2K) to
something else then 3389
and use the msrdp.ocx to make a connection to this port instead of the
defaut one . I wrap this OCX
in a VB6 program . If this can work, please tell me a little more detail. I
have found 2 articles on Microsoft
web site but it does not work :

Thankyou very much

Follow-Up set to microsoft.public.windows.terminal_services

Sure, this is possible, and I wouldn't know of any more details
than those that are already listed in the 2 articles that you

How exactly is your setup? Did you open the firewall for the
correct (=changed) port? Is the IIS server running on the same
server as the TS, maybe? Can you ping the TS on the new port?
Did you restart the TS after changing the listening port? Which
version of the web client are you using?

Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net
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I have changed the Listenner Port on the Server to 3455 for example.
I open the firewall on this port (Port Forwarding) . I reboot the server
but it seems the listenner does not up . I have tried to do a telnet to this
port and can not connect to it, neither the 3389. Telnet to HTTP and FTP
port are ok .
OK, then there should be an EventID in the EventLog on the TS.
Can you post that?
And you can verify if your TS is listening on the correct port with
the command "netstat -an"
Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net
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Thanks Vera,

I have checked the enventlog, there is nothing special for that . With
netstat -an, I have seen the port status is Listenning . I have tried with
other ports
but never can get connect to these ports or do a telnet . I have tried to
the firewall (with DMZ server), still same problem .
Have you verified that Terminal Services works correctly from
inside the LAN? Can you open a session to the TS from the server
If the server is listening on the port and functioning correct
locally, but you cant rdp or telnet from the outsise, then it's a
firewall issue.

Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net
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Thankyou very much Vera,

I have found the problem , It works fine now . The server is my machine at
home with dyndns.org service,
I have tried to connect to it from the office, but in the office I forget
that we have a cisco firewall that blocks out going port . I have tried with
an out going port opened and it works . Thankyou very much, you are always
obliging with everybody


Thomas T.