We have windows 2000 domain. All servers are windows
2000. There are only 5 windows 98 or 95 workstations
now. We have 10 cals for a terminal server. One windows
95 workstation cannot access terminal serve. The reason
is no license. I checked terminal server license database
and found 10 licenses were taken by many PCs which are
either no longer exist or upgrated to windows 2000
already. All temp license were taken too.
Question; how do I clear up terminal license database? So
existing 5 windows 95 PCs can access terminal server.
2000. There are only 5 windows 98 or 95 workstations
now. We have 10 cals for a terminal server. One windows
95 workstation cannot access terminal serve. The reason
is no license. I checked terminal server license database
and found 10 licenses were taken by many PCs which are
either no longer exist or upgrated to windows 2000
already. All temp license were taken too.
Question; how do I clear up terminal license database? So
existing 5 windows 95 PCs can access terminal server.