Terminal Server Lic. with Thin Clients.



I have 4 Thin client (WinTerms). They will not connect to
the T.S. I get the following error message. "The
Terminal server ended the connection or a netwrok error
occured. Please try to reconnect.". The event viewer show
the following Event ID: 1004 Description: "The terminal
server cannot issue a client license.". The terminal
server has the following "Windows 2000 Terminal Service
Clients Access License, type = open, total = 36 available
= 5 Issued = 31. This system is running W2K build
5.00.2195 with service pack 4.

No some history. These winterms me have not been used for
some time. They were connected logged in to test and the
not used for great than 90 days. I have tried factory
defaulting the Winterms and updating the WinTerms
Frimware neither works. Oddly enough there are 4 unknown
Temporary Lic these expired some time ago, 2002. I can
take anouther Winterm and install it on the network and
it will pick up and avaiable lic. I can connect using a
W2K pro and WinXP machine.

Question here is do I need to call the clearhouse and get
these reactived? I have tried reactiving the server and
that doesn't work. If I installed more Licenses woudl
that work. I am doubtfull that it will since it is not
issuing Licenses.

At one point I was thinking I need to call the clearing
house, but I don't know how to do this.


Vera Noest [MVP]

Here's how you contact the Clearinghouse:

291795 - HOW TO: Locate a Phone Number for the Microsoft

But I don't think that they can help you, since you have 5 TS CALs
available, and the problem is that they are not issued to the thin

You might want to check this post-SP4 hotfix:

825027 - Terminal Services Licensing Denies Your Connection to
Your Terminal Server from Your WBT Device

If that doesn't fix it:
Are these thin clients on a remote network? Reason I ask is that
there might be a black hole router between your client and the TS,
which blocks packets above a certain size. This prevents the
transfer of the permanent TS CAL to the client (on first
connection, the client gets a temporary license, on second
connection, it gets a permanent license).

If this is the problem, you have to change the MTU size. Check the
Terminal Services FAQ, there are 2 items about this under


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