we have a terminal server application server with
terminal server license on the same server with SP4
installed. we have win98, win2000, and winxp workstation
with terminal service client installed. one workstation
drops the connection and on the server system event log
it says it was unable to issue a license. i have removed
on the workstation the
hkey_local\software\microsoft\mslicensing registry key
then i can connect one time and to connect again i must
remove the key again. every time this happens it creates
a new key on the license server. other workstation do not
even use the license server and are able to connect with
the license service stopped. i have checked the registry
to make sure the license server is not setup as an
enterprise. i have deactivated and reinstalled the
terminal server license and reactivated.
if anyone has any suggestions PLEASE reply.
terminal server license on the same server with SP4
installed. we have win98, win2000, and winxp workstation
with terminal service client installed. one workstation
drops the connection and on the server system event log
it says it was unable to issue a license. i have removed
on the workstation the
hkey_local\software\microsoft\mslicensing registry key
then i can connect one time and to connect again i must
remove the key again. every time this happens it creates
a new key on the license server. other workstation do not
even use the license server and are able to connect with
the license service stopped. i have checked the registry
to make sure the license server is not setup as an
enterprise. i have deactivated and reinstalled the
terminal server license and reactivated.
if anyone has any suggestions PLEASE reply.