Bandwidth requirements depend on many factors: which applications
your users are running on the TS (graphics intensive applications
like CAD programs are bandwidth killers), screen resolution, how
much printing is done, etc.
Minimum bandwidth for a useable RDP Session = 26.4Kbps
800x600 @16 bit color - 26.4Kbps per session
1024x768 @256 colors - 24.6Kbps per session
each increase in screen resolution or color depth requires about 3-
4 Kbps more bandwidth.
We managed to get 3 concurrent users working at a reasonable speed
on a 128 kb connection, if they didn't do too much printing. When
the 4th user logged on, everything came to a stand-still.
Have a look at Patrick Rousse's hardware recommendations:
Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
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