Which OS on the server?
And on the client?
Which HP printer model?
Is the printer autocreated in the session, but it won't print (if
so, what is the error message you get when you try to print), or
is the printer not autocreated at all?
Which Events do you get in the EventLog on the TS?
Which port does the printer use on the client? If it's a DOT4
port, check this:
302361 - Printers That Use Ports That Do Not Begin With COM, LPT,
or USB Are Not Redirected in a Remote Desktop or Terminal Services
Note that installing 3rd party printer drivers on a TS is *not*
recommended. Some of these drivers are known to crash your printer
spooler or the TS completely.
HP's all-in-one printers are in general not supported on a TS.
Documented here:
HP Color LaserJet, LaserJet, All-in-One, and Multi-Function Series
Products - HP Printers Supported in Citrix MetaFrame Presentation
and Terminal Server Environments
Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting:
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