Tera Station From BuffaloTech NEED HELP PLEASE!!

Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
TeraStatio​n Pro™ II - TS-HGL/R5 & TS-RHGL/R5

:bow:Hello Below you will find a posting i posted on BuffaloTech.com Forums, they have no clue of what they are doing so i have to turn to the PRO's . If anyone knows about this please help. :bow:


04-01-2011 10:39 AM
( Unable to see Network Shares when i connect this station to my 2008 r2 64bit server & unable to login to them as well once synced on domain)

Hello All
Please HELP!!! I recently upgraded all my servers to 2008r2 64bit servers now that i have done this my TeraStation does now show the shares anymore, not only that but before i did the firmware update advised by the great support team that it would have fixed my problems :smileymad: i could see the drives. but the problems dont stop there, so lets say i am able to see the drives and the Tera station syncs with my DC and AD when i see the folders and double click on one natuarlly it would ask me for a username and password, which i would then enter. So what happens is that i get the prompt and i type the username and password that goes with the account (administrator account) and nothing happens it tells me wrong password like if it doesnt exist.

I beg of you all FOR YOUR HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!
My first question is: are you sure it is compatible with Server 2008R2 X64?

Skimming through the manual for one of these models (the described is a little bit off from what is on the site), I find information that shows it should have a network share already within it's configuration. Can you access this share via IP address?

How about the Buffalo NAS Navigator? What happens when you try to access the device that way?
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yes, i spoke with the dumb ass Tech's from Buffalo and they advised yes. as well the unit snycs with the active directory and to the PDC no problem as well shows up all users.
ok, so i'm confused. if you can see your shares, is the issue with access?

How about if you create a test user for your network. something simple, add it to domain admins or something to make sure it has the proper access. At which point, i would have to ask if your permissions on the share are set properly.
yeh sorry about that silver
let me explain clear so that it not a mess.

when i started the first call to buffalo Tech Support, i was able to see the shares and not able to access the shares via run command \\servername then select folder name and prompt for username and password. once it prompted for the username and password i enter the same one for the server user which is in AD on the PDC, the error i get is if the username and password are incorrect or in other words doesnt exist for some reason.

now part 2 to this is when i was on the phone with them they advised me to do the firmware update from 1.33 to 1.35 to see if this would fix the problem, but this only made it worse i now was not able to see run command \\servername (no shares anymore). Was still able to sync the AD and PDC to the Tera Station though.

Now Part 3 the funny thing about all of this is when i move the Tera Station from syncing to the AD and to a workgroup i am able to see shares and browse them no problem but of course this is not the way to go for us as we have accounting information on this drive that now everyone would be able to veiw and edit or delete as there is no security in this state.

Check that out. See if it helps you.

From the link:


  1. There must be a machine account for your TeraStation on your Domain controller existing, (It must be configured for a pre Windows 2000 computer).
  2. This machine account for the TS must be flagged as trusted for delegation,
  3. Inside your DNS-server there must be the (A)Host entry for the TS in the Forward-Lookup-Zone and
  4. inside your Reverse-Lookup-Zone there must be the PTR-Record.
  5. Make sure the time of the terastation does not differ more than 10 minutes from the AD server
hey silver
ok i just checked under the active directory and opened the options for the tera station and went to the delegation tab and activated (trust this computer for delegation to any service. as well i dont see it in the dns server and i dont have reverse-lookup-zone setup should i setup the reverse?