Tempory Recordset on form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dom
  • Start date Start date



I have a multiuser Access Db and part of its job will be
to make a work to list for specific projects

This Work list is made up of task from a master list
the problem i have is i want the users to be able to pick
from the master list using a tick box and then asign that
to a project.
This works fine in a single user environment but for multi
users it could get wrong information assigned to a project
if more that one user is adding tasks at the same time.

I was thinking about creating a recordset that would
populate a form that could be editted and on execution
update the main table.

Although i can create the recordset i am having problem
using it to populate the form.

Can anyone Help?
If several users can update the same table at the same time, then clearly,
the changes made by one of those users, will affect the other users.
Avoiding these issues is one of the primary tasks when you design the data
structures of a multi-user database!

Perhaps put the selection table in the front-end database, not the back-end
one? Then each user has their own copy of that table. Or, add a UserNumber
field (or similar) to the back-end table. Then, user #1 works with (and is
restricted to) the records having UserNumber=1; user #2 works with & is
restricted to the records having UserNumber=2, & so on. You'd enbforce those
restrictions thru code, thus ensuring that user #1's changes had no affect
on user #2.


I will probably end up doing as you suggested and putting
the table in the front end although i would of thought
that you would be able to have a form populate from a
temporary recordset that has a seprate instance for each
user thus defeating the need to seprate them.

I don't think your second option would be pratical as the
list would have to be very lasrge to accomadate all the
data times the amount of users and this would have quite
an impact on the size.
