Yes, Robear, I've learned *that* lesson. Thanks, but many more to come
BTW, data in folder I dragged & dropped was not erased. Lucky, eh?
Andy I.
| IE Tools > Internet Options > TIF > Settings > Move folder
| NB: Executing the above may erase all data in the folder you
| dragged/dropped.
| Lesson learned, wot?
| --
| ~PA Bear
| Andy I. wrote:
| > "Smoke and Mirrors", Robear.................. I see what you mean. I
| > "dragged & dropped" the TIF folder back to
| > where-it-belongs. It got there OK, but it's still in C:\ WINDOWS as
| > How can I get it out of there? (I know, I know.............. Don't fix
| > if......)
| >
| > Andy I.
| >
| >
| > | >> <VBEG> If you familiarized yourself with the "smoke and mirrors"
| >> of
| >> TIF in Win98, you'll find that nothing's changed in WinXP, Andy.
| >>
| >> See
| >>
| >
| >> --
| >> ~PA Bear
| >>
| >>
| >> Andy I. wrote:
| >>> Thanks Robear. Is there any harm in it being in C:\ WINDOWS folder?
| >>> find
| >>> that it makes things a little simpler when checking Cookies,
| >>> History,Temp
| >>> and TIF. Damn! I've just found out that Cookies and History aren't
| >>> there either (at least not directly in WINDOWS folder). OK........
| >>> I'll
| >>> put it back "where it *really* belongs".........
| >>> and maybe invest in the book (XP FOR DUMMIES).
| >>>
| >>> Andy I. (What was that one about "Old Dogs" and "New Tricks"??)
| >>>
| >>>
| >>> | >>>> That may be where it "belongs" in Win98, but you're running a
| >>>> OS
| >>>> now, Andy. <w>
| >>>>
| >>>> First Rule of Computing: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
| >>>> --
| >>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
| >>>> MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Security, Shell/User)
| >>>>
| >>>>
| >>>> Andy I. wrote:
| >>>>> Thank you both. I've put it back into WINDOWS, where it belongs
| >>>>> ;-)....................
| >>>>>
| >>>>> Andy I.
| >>>>>
| >>>>>
| >>>>> | >>>>>> It is not under C:\Windows in XP.
| >>>>>> Look in IE-Tools-Internet Options-General tab-Settings (in TIF
| >>>>>> section) to see where it is.
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>> ...Alan
| >>>>>> --
| >>>>>> Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows - Internet Explorer
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>> On Wed, 6 Sep 2006 22:47:20 -0700, in
| >>>>>> microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers, "Andy I." <
[email protected]>
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>> Hi,
| >>>>>>>
| >>>>>>> I've just switched from WIN 98SE to a new PC with WIN XP SP2 HOME,
| >>>>>>> and
| >>>>>>> find that the Temporary Internet Files folder is missing from the
| >>>>>>> list
| >>>>>>> under C:\Windows.
| >>>>>>> Any suggestions?
| >>>>>>>
| >>>>>>> Thank you.
| >>>>>>> Andy I.