Temporary Internet Files - how to save list of web sites with date



I would like to save the contents of the Temporary Internet Files folder,
specifically the web sites visited and date visited, to a file for analysis.

There is a post on the Microsoft web site which suggests doing a Print
Screen to capture the contents of Windows Explorer, but this would only
capture a graphic. I want to capture the information listed in the Temporary
Internet Files folder (URLs and Dates) as text, for use in Word or an Excel
spreadsheet. Ideally, a comma or tab delimited listing or export of the
contents of the folder.

Is there a way to copy or list as text the contents of the Temporary
Internet Files folder, including date fields ?

Gary Smith

Doing this is a challenge because what you see when you look at the TIF
folder with Windwos Explorer is quite different from what's actually
present. What you see is a formatted display of the contents of the
index.dat file, which is used by IE to manages the folder and its
subfolders. Some sort of text capture program might be able to do it,
but the one I have is no longer available and doesn't get the entire
contents anyway.

Mike said:
I would like to save the contents of the Temporary Internet Files folder,
specifically the web sites visited and date visited, to a file for analysis.



Try IEHistoryX from http://www.585Soft.com/IEHistoryX.asp It allows you
view history, cookie files, internet temporary files by visit date,
keyword in URL or page title, also you can save list of these items
(history links, cookies files, temporary internet files) in HTML report
for further analysis.
Click on Cache Files tab, click Find button, select date, or date-time
range. Then select items you want to save to report file, right click
for context menu -> Save To File -> Selected Items. In this file you
will see URL of temporary internet file (original location), name of
local file, last access time, number of hits, name of local folder.

Best Regards,


Try "Super Winspy" Its free

Scroll down page for D/L.


Don Varnau said:
I haven't used this program- I've seen it recommended. Go to
Click on Free Tools > Pasco.

Hope this helps,

Mike said:
I would like to save the contents of the Temporary Internet Files folder,
specifically the web sites visited and date visited, to a file for analysis.

There is a post on the Microsoft web site which suggests doing a Print
Screen to capture the contents of Windows Explorer, but this would only
capture a graphic. I want to capture the information listed in the Temporary
Internet Files folder (URLs and Dates) as text, for use in Word or an Excel
spreadsheet. Ideally, a comma or tab delimited listing or export of the
contents of the folder.

Is there a way to copy or list as text the contents of the Temporary
Internet Files folder, including date fields ?

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