Sure, all do is first, figure out where the template is. In Word, click
Tools | Options | File Locations and then select User Templates and click
Modify. From there, click the Look In box to see where your templates are
stored, and then click Cancel and Close to exit.
Next, open the template from Word (click File, Open, navigate to the
location you just found, select the template, and click Open).
When the template opens, select the pages you do not want to use and click
Click Save when done, or click Save As to give the template a new name. Make
sure that the file is saved as type ".dot".
Note: If you double-click a Word template from Explorer, Word opens it as a
document based on the selected template. To open it as a template (".dot"),
right-click and select Open rather than simply double-clicking the file.
srcontrolclerk said:
I downloaded a templet for newsletters, so that I could do a family
newsletter to e-mail. The templet has 6 pages but I only need to use and
save 2. I am using Microsoft Office XP small business. Can anyone help
me to remove the other four pages?