Hyperlinks to templates don't work well. They open the template (and subject
it to changes) rather than creating new documents based on the template.
You need to instead use macros and macrobutton fields. These can look and
act like hyperlinks but create new documents rather than open the templates.
Send me an email at (e-mail address removed) and I'll send you a
document that has the macros and fields that do this.
Look on the MVP FAQ page for information on macrobutton fields and
hyperlinks to learn more about this.
Charles Kenyon
See the MVP FAQ: <URL:
http://www.mvps.org/word/> which is awesome!
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.
Lori said:
I have created a template from an exsisting document. If I protect the
template and place it on our intranet for use no one can type in it. If I
unprotect the template and place it on the intranet then anyone can change
the layout. I am placing the template on our network and creating a
hyperlink on our intranet to it. How can I do this?