Template w/Includes versus Dynamic Web Template -ExpressionWebDesi

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I am purchasing a FP premade template. I can buy the same template in one of
two ways. One version makes good use of Includes. The other uses Dynamic Web
Template. I'm more comfortable with Includes as I do not know DWT.

Given the fact that Expression Web Designer is around the corner, am I
making a mistake by buying the Includes version of the template? I want to
use and build upon this templage for years to come.

EWD is still in an early Beta phase, and the final product features are
still not known. Until these are known any advice on the future of
includes is simple speculation.

The featureset for EWD is expected to exclude any FrontPage webbots - the
Include File is a FrontPage webbot. The DWT is a feature that will be a
part of EWD, and in many (though definitely not all) cases can take the
place of include files.
FrontPage will be supported by Microsoft for several years - full support
until January 2009, and extended support until January 2014.