Template for newspaper and how to insert comments section

  • Thread starter Thread starter Haris
  • Start date Start date



I have Expression web, however I didn’t know were to write my question.

Does anyone know web sites were I can find free template for a site to look
similar to a newspaper one?

I have downloaded a template for having a Newspaper site, but it is not so
great, just the front page of the web site I have now. Not an actual
newspaper site I want to create, but a site similar to a newspaper one, to
import articles in various sections.
However is it possible to have under each separate page of the article a
field for comments? And then these comments to be shown beside the name of
the article?

For example:
“First meeting (3 comments)â€

Thank you so much in advance.

Do all the people have errors after posting?

Again this one is duplicate, please delete it.

Sorry for the mess....
only people posting from web interfaces get those errors.

real newsgroups are on Usenet (nntp) what you are using is a web interface
for a Usenet newsgroup. If you use Outlook Express or Windows Live Mail you
can access the newsgroups directly (faster, but no fancy graphics and crap)

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression