I was told that MS had templates for both APA and MLA writing styles, but I cannot find them. Can anyone lead me in the right direction? I need this for a college course that requires MLA format. Thank you.
I was told that MS had templates for both APA and MLA writing styles, but I cannot find them. Can anyone lead me in the right direction? I need this for a college course that requires MLA format. Thank you.
Hi Victoria,
just Google "MLA template" and "ALA template" and you'll find numerous
links to both kinds of templates, commercial as well as free ones. Some
are not really templates, but just Word docs.
I don't believe there is a standard template from MS, but if you Google for
MLA Word template you will find a number of links to edu sites that provide
templates. I suggest you try first at your own college as they may provide a
template orhave a preferred link.