Temp folder??



Using XP Pro. When I download a file that opens in Windows Media Player - it
always downloads to a temp folder first. How do I find this temp folder? I
can not locate it on my PC. All help appreciated.

PA Bear [MS MVP]

If you want to be able to find the file, you must SAVE it, not just
"download" (play) it.


Ross said:
Using XP Pro. When I download a file that opens in Windows Media Player - it
always downloads to a temp folder first. How do I find this temp folder? I
can not locate it on my PC. All help appreciated.

If you play a video/song from an email, or web site, it's saved to the
TIF folder, but it'll have a random name, not the one you expect. Do a
search for the date it was played and you might find it.


Ross said:
Using XP Pro. When I download a file that opens in Windows Media Player -
always downloads to a temp folder first. How do I find this temp folder? I
can not locate it on my PC. All help appreciated.


<user path> \Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5

You need to type the "content.ie5" in manually as this directory is still
hidden, even with "show hidden files" selected in Windows Explorer options.

There will be a list of files. You can use the size or date to filter them,
but often files begin playing before they are fully downloaded, so refesh a
few times till the size remains constant. The name will be random also.

If the file is coming from an mms protocol stream, it probably won't appear
here. You need a third party app to capture that.

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