Temp files not disappearing



I work with Word 2000 in Windows XP Professional

Since yesterday, three temp files: ~WRL0003.tmp,
~WRL0005.tmp, and ~WRL3286.tmp do not disappear when Word
is closed. I tried rebooting my system but the files are
still there. I don't think this is normal. Should I be
conerned about this? If so, what can I do to fix?

Thanks for your help.

PS I tried posting earlier but did not see my post. I
hope this doesnt' double post.


Jay Freedman

Hi, Julia,

Although temp files that hang around aren't "according to design", they
aren't very unusual, either. They don't do any harm as long as there are
only a few of them. When Word is closed (and Outlook, if you use Word as
your email editor), it's safe to simply delete them.

For more information and a general cleanup procedure, see
Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
I'm having the same trouble with lingering temp files.

I recently used a registry cleaner and a system optimiser.

Is it possible that one of these programs disabled a windows component that would have normally taken care of the task of removing temp files once the original file has been closed?

If so, does anyone have any idea how I might restore it?


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