Teminal server event ID 1000 error messages

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We have a Windows 2000 Terminal Server running service pack 4 and around
50-60 users generally log in to the server for applications off late i get a
lot of Event id 1000 error messages and have to restart the server more than
a couple of times a week the event log details are:

1. Windows cannot load your profile please increase the registry size and
resart the computer

2. Windows cannot log you on because the profile cannot be loaded . contact
your network administrator. Details: Insufficient resources exist to complete
the requested service.

3. Regloadkey failed. return value insufficient system resources exist to
complete the requested service. C:\scuments and settings\xxxx\ntuser.dat

4. The server was unab le to allocate from the system paged pool because the
pool was empty.

Please advise.

You have to follow point 1: increase the registry size and resart
the server.

124594 - Understanding and Configuring Registry Size Limit (RSL)

Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net
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Hi Vera,

We have allready increased the registry size and when we check the size the
current usage is way below the minimum size of the registry. But still we get
these error messages.

There is an additional registry setting for W2K SP4 TS. Check here:

UserEnv Returns Corrupted Profile for All Failures Including RSL

Are you deleting cached copies of roaming profiles? And using the
UPHClean utility?
Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net
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Hi Vera,

Most of the time it is with windows 98 machines which blocks up the server
and after that no one will be able to log on to the server and the only
option left with us would be resart the server after which it works great for
1-2 days and then it starts doing the same thing. We have allready installed
the UPHCLEAN utility on the server.

Any advise is greatly appreciated.

What else are you running on the server? Check this:

272568 - Event ID 2019 or 2020 or "Insufficient System Resources"
error returned when logging on

Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net
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Hi Vera,

We do not have Norton AntiVirus running on that server. We had uninstalled
it long back. we have some applications running on that server which the TS
clients access.

I'm sorry, then I'm out of ideas. You might want to use Google to
search all terminal server related newsgroups. There seem to be
many posts like yours, although most of them are pretty old.

Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net
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