There is very few material available about TELNET.
If anybody knows more about TELNET,Please reply......
Very simple terms: Telnet is a text-based method of connecting to and
making use of a remote computer.
Slightly more complex: Telnet works as a client-server setup. Pretty
much every modern computer can work as either a Telnet client or a
Telnet server. You use the client to connect to a particular server
and then log in to that server using your user account, much like you
would do if you were sitting right at the physical computer. Of
course, most modern computers present you with a graphics user
interface when you are physically sitting at the computer, while
telnet gives you a text based command line interface (DOS-style
"" in the Windows world or something like "bash" in the
Unix world), but otherwise it's all the same.
Telnet is quite a dated protocol, originating back in the late
60's/early 70's. Not only does it not handle graphics, but it also
doesn't do any encryption. As such it's mostly been replaced by other
methods of connecting between systems, primarily SSH, X-Windows, VNC
and Citrix MetaFrame. However since it's pretty much the most basic
of all methods to connect two computers over a network (one step above

, it still sees some use.