Mad Scientist Jr
Has anyone worked with code that can look at two JPG images (I am
talking about relatively small ones, 40x40 pixels or less) and quickly
analyzing them to see how similar or different they are? Is bitmap
comparison supported by .net's graphics libraries? Initially I could
compare JPG or BMP file size to see if the images are different, but I
would like the code to be able to discern HOW different two images are
- ie image A and B are 50% different. Maybe to start it could look at
each pixel and depending on some threshold decide it is on or off
(monochromatic) and build a percentage of matches based on that. But
for a RGB image it would get more complicated. Has anyone done or seen
anything like this or have any ideas?
talking about relatively small ones, 40x40 pixels or less) and quickly
analyzing them to see how similar or different they are? Is bitmap
comparison supported by .net's graphics libraries? Initially I could
compare JPG or BMP file size to see if the images are different, but I
would like the code to be able to discern HOW different two images are
- ie image A and B are 50% different. Maybe to start it could look at
each pixel and depending on some threshold decide it is on or off
(monochromatic) and build a percentage of matches based on that. But
for a RGB image it would get more complicated. Has anyone done or seen
anything like this or have any ideas?